Thursday, January 14, 2016



The clockwork ticks transformed to fog and air
while dusk absorbed the beacon's blinking signs,
- surreal and indefinite designs
with tangible his steady flash and flare;
beneath the kind, retentive cloak of chance,
- he breathed her in, her aural scent and glance.

Inside the tavern sea-men ordered drinks;
amid the tulips of the hazy smoke,
he felt the night with owls' persistent croak,
and Lady Sadness on the starboard brinks;
Invisible the night descended slopes
in quietness with dark, elusive scopes.

Her primrose scent – his mind's ambrosian gate,
remote Paradisos and range of soul
perfumed her whif surpassed, burning coal,
he clenched the glass and drunk the dark brusque straight,
the tumbler shattered - deep inhaled her scent,
- with unrelenting his blood thrash torment.

The night was dense; inside the mists he drew
with red drops dropping from the deep palm cut
a wraith, she vanished while her louvres were shut
the nightfall's emptiness inside him grew
he touched the heavy door - the luster stained;
the primrose scent inside his mind ingrained.

And she descended - Nymph the fates had graced;
betimes he breathed the scent of night primrose,
his carnal prayer and adytum disposed,
her sacrosanct of pathos' splendor traced;
with flash reflecting in her eyes' domain
the primrose scent dispersed inside the rain.

© 09-07-2013, G. Venetopoulos, All rights reserved
(five sextains, sestines or sestinas - Iambic pentameter)