Lord Mortimer
- Lord Mortimer! The rooster on thy shield,
the symbol of thine influence to dames,
to joust challenged the nobles on field
who questioned thine efficiency in games.
The rooster, splendidly, defined thy pride
but turned to mark of mockery and sneer;
Lord Gilbert who had boasted nationwide
escorted, thus, a playful Londoneer!
Inside the gardens of Keats household they walked,
where Gilbert, gallantly, recited verse
for cookie-cutter sheep, he proudly flocked,
her undetermined feelings to coerce.
The dame advanced his stateliness to heights
her pitches lauding chivalry and fights.
06-13-2013, © G. Venetopoulos All Rights Reserved
(English sonnet)
- Lord Mortimer! The rooster on thy shield,
the symbol of thine influence to dames,
to joust challenged the nobles on field
who questioned thine efficiency in games.
The rooster, splendidly, defined thy pride
but turned to mark of mockery and sneer;
Lord Gilbert who had boasted nationwide
escorted, thus, a playful Londoneer!
Inside the gardens of Keats household they walked,
where Gilbert, gallantly, recited verse
for cookie-cutter sheep, he proudly flocked,
her undetermined feelings to coerce.
The dame advanced his stateliness to heights
her pitches lauding chivalry and fights.
06-13-2013, © G. Venetopoulos All Rights Reserved
(English sonnet)